San Joaquin Valley Housing Collaborative – 12th Annual Affordable Housing Summit

September 14, 2023

About Us:

The SJVHC is a regional nonprofit that formed out of the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley in 2009 – the California Partnership is an unprecedented public-private partnership founded by the Governor’s Office in 2005.  The Housing Collaborative exists to address housing issues affecting low-to moderate-income households in Valley communities by advocating building capacity and collaboration for affordable, healthy neighborhoods and communities.

The Summit:

The event will address the housing crisis beyond issues of affordability – looking at the urgency of the Valley’s current housing issues and ways in which the San Joaquin Valley is leading the way in creating diverse, equitable, and inclusive communities.

Event Info:

September 14, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel in Downtown Modesto.


  • The Event Flyer and Registration QR-Code HERE
  • The Agenda HERE
  • Background Info Flyer HERE