San Joaquin Valley REAP Workshop Series – AFFH Spring 2023 Workshop Series

March 13, 2023

About the AFFH Workshop Series

Three virtual workshops for San Joaquin Valley jurisdictions and housing stakeholders to hear from experts about the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) requirements for the sixth cycle housing element update process.  The workshops will feature technical assistance providers discussing the various aspects and requirements of AFFH. The three-workshop mini-series is part of the ongoing workshop series of the San Joaquin Valley Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) program.


Learning Objectives 

  • Review AFFH requirements and objectives.
  • Learn about outreach and site selection considerations.
  • Learn how technical assistance providers are available to help jurisdictions with the AFFH process, including consultation with HCD (CA Housing and Community Development).


Speaker Biographies

Veronica Tam, Veronica Tam and Associates

Ms. Tam has expertise in the areas of housing policy development and community development planning. She has over 20 years of experience preparing a range of housing and community development plans and studies for jurisdictions throughout California.


Brenna Weatherby, Rincon Consultants

Brenna Weatherby has 19 years of experience in city planning, long range community planning, discretionary permit processing, and environmental analyses throughout California. Her areas of expertise include planning and zoning compliance, General Plan, Specific and Master Plan Preparation, housing development, community outreach, CEQA/NEPA analysis and compliance, and local facilities analysis. Breanna is currently leading Housing Element updates and public engagement efforts in the cities of Carlsbad, Vista, Corona, and Banning.


Winnie Fong, Estolano Advisors

Winnie Fong joined Estolano Advisors in June 2014. Winnie is a planner focused on transit-oriented development that balances both housing and transportation needs. She co-founded the LA Chinatown Community Land Trust in 2021. She completed the UCLA Community Collaborate program in June 2020 and co-wrote a study on De-Commodifying Housing during COVID-19, which highlights anti-displacement policies and initiatives, including the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) which she is currently advocating in Los Angeles County. She also completed the Dignity-Infused Planning and Community Engagement (DICE) program from the Thrivance Group with a focus in housing.


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